Furrow irrigation design and evaluation for enhancing indices of water usage performance and productivity of canola crop in North Nile Delta soils

Document Type : Original Article


1 Soli and water Dept., Faculty of Agriculture Damietta Univ., Egypt

2 Soil, Water and Environement Research Institute, ARC, Giza, Egypt


Field study carried out at Sakha farm in the Governorate of Kafr EL-Sheikh, Egypt during two winter seasons, aimed to optimize the furrow irrigation design and management for canola crop in soils of North Nile Delta, and to assessment its effects on the water usage performance, productivity, and profitability of the crop. The study investigated the effects of different furrow design, cut-off irrigation, alternate furrow irrigation, with irrigation discharge 4 Lps m-1, and biomineral fertilization treatments on the characteristics of infiltration, intake family, and selected irrigation characters, along with post-irrigation performance. Also, conducted an economic evaluation of the treatments. The findings demonstrated that in both seasons, the infiltration rate dropped down quickly at 4 hours as time passed, and that for both alternate furrow irrigation and distinct cut-off irrigation, the applied water distribution uniformity was greater than 0.9. When the intake family shrank from 0.35 to 0.33, the application efficiency rose and was deemed suitable for a 2 lps/m furrow influx rate. There was a difference between the designed and measured irrigation time, advance time, and recession time. The designed irrigation time/advance time ratio was also greater than the observed values. Although the design was deemed acceptable on clay soil, the ratio of inflow time to advance time for the design parameters was greater than 2. The cut-off at 85% of the furrow length produced the highest ratio. The maximum irrigation application efficiency values were found when the design measured parameters were cut off at 85% of the furrow length


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