Soil biodiversity and its security are important global issues nowadays. These issues have a great concern day by day under the changing universe. This significant concern comes from the relation between soil biodiversity and its security and soil productivity on one side and the global food crisis on the other hand. Therefore, great initiations have been adopted by some scientists like Diana Wall, Rattan Lal, Alex McBratney, Damien Field, Cristine Morgan, Lorna Jarrett, Johan Bouma and Andrea Koch. These initiations have resulted in the Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative and the book entitled "Global Soil Security". As well known, several serious environmental challenges face the humanity including the security of food, water, energy, climate changes and protection the global biodiversity. So, the journal of Environment, Biodiversity and Soil Security (EBSS) has been issued. This journal is an attempt to highlight on these environmental challenges and the suitable solutions seeking for a sustainable development.
El-Ramady, H., & Alshaal, T. (2017). Soil Biodiversity and Its Security: A Holistic Approach. Environment, Biodiversity and Soil Security, 1(2017), 1-3. doi: 10.21608/jenvbs.2017.856.1000
Hassan El-Ramady; Tarek Alshaal. "Soil Biodiversity and Its Security: A Holistic Approach", Environment, Biodiversity and Soil Security, 1, 2017, 2017, 1-3. doi: 10.21608/jenvbs.2017.856.1000
El-Ramady, H., Alshaal, T. (2017). 'Soil Biodiversity and Its Security: A Holistic Approach', Environment, Biodiversity and Soil Security, 1(2017), pp. 1-3. doi: 10.21608/jenvbs.2017.856.1000
El-Ramady, H., Alshaal, T. Soil Biodiversity and Its Security: A Holistic Approach. Environment, Biodiversity and Soil Security, 2017; 1(2017): 1-3. doi: 10.21608/jenvbs.2017.856.1000